Some C++ Stuff
liburing_b3sum - an io_uring based file hashing utility using a SPSC ring buffer that I designed and implemented
The libc++ implementation of the STL deque push_front function has O(log n) amortized time complexity
Unspecified Behavior in a C++ Exam Question
Why gcc and clang sometimes emit an extra mov instruction for std::clamp on x86
Some Python Stuff
BASE53A - user-friendly ID generator with mathematical proof of checksum
multidown.py - multithreaded downloader, pass in a list of URLs to be downloaded.
sedit - automatically encrypting text editor
Theseus solver - With 4 different solver backends (brute force, recursive backtracking, BFS, and DFS) plus a GUI for inputting the maze!
Games And Other Fun Stuff!!!
Play against my unbeatable Tic Tac Toe AI! Better than the standard Minimax implementations!
zc (see above animated gif showing real gameplay) - an improved version of Real Time Risk with additional features such as: multi-tile-select via click-and-drag with mouse, players can now tell their armies to move to arbitrary tiles instead of only the adjacent tile (armies will move according to a route calculated via a shortest path algorithm), armies now take time to move from one tile to another instead of instantaneously, and their movement is now visualized (so that players can now actually see armies moving from one tile to another) and can now collide mid-flight in which case the bigger army will annihilate the smaller one, waypoints (i.e. players can tell their armies to visit a sequence of points in order - for each point, the tile that is closest to the point will be selected as the waypoint), and some other QoL improvements.
Smooth Antichamber-style graphics - A demonstration of the proper way to use the Laplacian operator and its superiority to 1st derivative filter kernels for edge detection. Implemented in Unreal Engine.
bolgefuck - an esoteric programming language I invented. It is designed to be as hard to program in as possible, even harder than malbolge!!!!!
Useful Tools!!
Other links
My Github
My old blog
My new blog
Click here for an online pastebin / url shortening service
Click here for a javascript encryption service using SJCL (entirely clientside)